Research Administration Center
Office of the University, Chiang Mai University
Research at Chiang Mai University is administered and managed by Research Administration Center. Since it founding in 1964, Chang Mai University has develop both academic and research efforts to achieve a world class standard. RAC has 4 working group: Research Management, Chiang Mai University Press, Intellectual Property Services, and Administration group.
At Chiang Mai University, the discipline-specific research facilities can be found within individual faculties. However, there are 4 interdisciplinary research institutes to assist CMU’s development in research excellence in a variety of fields, primarily collaborative research projects between specific academic disciplines. In addition, there are more than 20 Center of Excellences for specific research theme within the university.
1. The Research Institute for Health Sciences (RIHES)
2. The Social Research Institute (SRI)
3. The Science and Technology Research Institute (IST)
4. Energy Research and Development Institute-Nakornping (ERDI)
1. Center of Excellence in Tissue Engineering
2. Center of Ethnic Study and Development
3. Biomedical Technology Research Center
4. Center of Excellence in Mathematics
5. Applied Quantum and Plasma Technology Research Center
6. Biomaterials and Medical Device Invention Center
7. Center of Excellence in Scientific and Analytic Technological Innovation
8. Integrated Research to Expand the Capacity for Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of AIDS/HIV and Opportunistic Infection
9. Prenatal Diagnosis and Control of Down Syndrome
10. Center for Air Quality Research and Management
11. Applied Mathematics
12. Lanna Rice Center
13. Cardiac Electrophysiology Research and Training(CERT)
14. Forensic Science Center
15. Northern Archaeology Center
16. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center
17. Agriculture Biotechnology Transfer and Service Center
18. Center of Excellence for Molecular Imaging
RAC is also responsible research data management and developed R.A.C. Publication Program which allows user to search for research papers, and allow CMU published papers to be listed by faculty and department

Chiang Mai University Press started in 2013 is also a part of RAC, it provide publication services to research paper and books. The university has so far printed 15 books from CMU’s staff, as well as joint publication with other institutions. For more information please visit or tel . 053 – 943603 – 4 Email:
RAC also provide service to its staff to register for patents and provide guidance and assistant on property rights. For more information please send e-mail to or telephone 053-942641 fax 053- 210733.